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The LLSF Scholars Tributes

On 18th March 2023, both LLSPA and LLSA Scholars, the Woodard Langalanga Secondary School community, Gilgil Political class as well as Gilgil community congregated at Woodard Hall (Woodard Langalanga Secondary School) to pay tribute to Col. Harry Vialou Clark, who died on 2nd March 2023. (Read THE LLSF SCHOLARS Tributes HERE)
You can also read the full profile of Col. Harry Vialou Clark's work HERE

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LLSPA gets new leadership

In 2019, LLSPA got new officials who were elected through a secret ballot.

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Ladies Activity

On Saturday 6th November we had a team building activity with the ladies and it was very successful.

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LLSPA Mourns Hugh Dayton

Fare thee Well Our Patron and main Donor.

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LLSPA gets new leadership

In 2019, LLSPA got new officials who were elected through a secret ballot.

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Meet Geoffrey Nield

Geoffrey Nield OBE BSc(Eng) psc MInstRE, is the chairman of LangaLanga Trust.

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Meet Colonel VC

He is the founder of LangaLanga Scholarship Fund and Kariandusi School Trust

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About Us

The Langa Langa Scholarship Professional Associations (LLSPA) was founded in 2011 and later officially registered under the Societies Act, Laws of Kenya in March 26th, 2014. It is an association made up of volunteer alumni of the Langa Langa Scholarship Fund, which is a UK based organization. Its main objectives is ‘To promote an all rounded education for bright and needy children and chase away poverty within and around Gilgil, Kenya’. 

The idea of LLSPA was born when a few LLSF graduate and proffesional scholars found an increasing need for a pool of people who could offer both the moral and financial support, mentorship and the career guidance to rural children who had no idea of what rest of the world is all about. From their journey and exposure with LLSF, the scholars felt that they had what it takes in terms of the local knowledge and understanding to enegage with the children and other local stakeholders if education in the community to improve on the acuity and significance accorded to education. 

Before its registation in 2014, the association members took a keen eye at helping their younger LLSF scholars in secondary and tertiary education institutions with mentorship and career guidance as well as engaging the pupils in primary schools enabling them to compete better for LLSF scholarship slots. Later, LLSPA has expanded its operations to reach out to their surrounding community while its membership continues to grow with more graduating from their tertiary education and voluntarily joining the course. 

Currently, the association has 62 members. 

What we do

LLSPA is comminted to power dreams of future generations. To do this, here is what we do

Scholarship and bursaries

Our organization offers a few full scholarship to the needy who perform exemplary well but fail to secure scholarships from government and the other big corporates which focus on best performance.

Prize Giving / Motivational Talks

At LLSPA we have partnered with about twenty of our former primary school around Gilgil in a motivational program. We give tokens of appreciation to both teachers and students. 

Mentorship Program

With the same 20 primary schools, LLSPA  has rolled out a mentorship program targeting all class seven pupils every year. This program covers various topics ranging from Self-Esteem teenage pregancy  etc. 

children homes
Supporting Children's Homes and Orphanages

For the children who are taken up by the local up by the local institutions to help them with access to education and other basic needs, LLSPA has undertaken to pool resources from members and other well-wishers with reading materials, clothing, and foodstuffs.

Our Events

News $ Blogs

Read the latest news and blogs covering events and works undertaken by LLSPA. 


Join us today

We welcome you to join us in this journey. You can join us either as a member or a donor. Click below for detail information on how you can contribute to our work. 

Here are the partners we work with

Find Us
Talk/write to us via:
P.O Box 1258-20117
Gilgil, Nakuru Kenya.
Connect with our social media accounts: