History and Foundation of Langalanga Scholarship Professionals Association, LLSPA


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The Langalanga Scholarship Professionals Association, LLSPA, is a charity organization registered in Kenya with the objects of promoting educating and poverty eradication for the needy community around the Gilgil area located within the Great Rift Valley.

It is inspired by the work of the Langalanga Scholarship Fund(LLSF), a registered charity organization in the UK that has been in Kenya since the 19th century. As of the year 2020, LLSF had sponsored over 280 bright and needy Kenyan children through secondary and tertiary education. LLSF and Kariandusi School Trust, a sister charity organization, later merged and rebranded to Langalanga Trust, which has continued the excellent work.

Founder, Julius Kinyua Kamau


During the Annual General Meeting of LLSF scholars in December 2011, one of the beneficiaries, Julius Kinyua Kamau, came up with the idea of a scholars’ association that would attempt to harness the synergies of all alumni of LLSF to extend the legacy of LLSF among Kenyans. He shared the idea with another scholar, Michael Kariuki Kabuthia, and later with several other LLSF Scholars. Before too long, on January 8th, 2012, the two reached out to more willing LLSF beneficiaries to co-found Langalanga Scholars Association Promoters (LLSAP).

LLSAP would later rebrand to Langalanga Scholarship Professionals Association, LLSPA, for official registration and launch on March 26th, 2014. Julius was elected as the first Chairperson and Michael, the first Treasurer of the association. They have worked hand in hand with growing numbers of supportive scholars and well-wishers to realize major milestones for LLSPA and the Gilgil Community.

Key among these achievements include several full secondary school scholarships and partial bursaries to bright and needy pupils as well as mentorship programs and reward schemes in 20 primary schools within Gilgil neighborhoods. The first Scholar from this program, Martin Wanyoike Thuo, sat his Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE, in the year 2019 and got admission to the Technical University of Kenya in the year 2020 to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce.

They both retired in December 2019 to usher in new leadership for LLSPA.

Co-founder, Michael Kariuki Kabuthia


Position 2014-20192020-2024
Chair Julius K. KamauJosphat Kabui
Vice-chair Jackline M. Muturi Jackline Muturi
Treasurer Michael K. KabuthiaSamuel Kariuki
SecretaryJane W. NjengaTabitha Mwaura
Members Representative Peter C. NjorogePhilip Karogo