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Hugh Dayton: A Personal View

When Kathie and I visited Harry and Alison (Colonel VC & Madam VC) at Pembroke House School in 1999, we little knew the part that Kenya would play in our lives. We were excited to be going on our first safaris – and these proved to be marvelous experiences! But, just around the corner, a much more rewarding adventure was unfolding.

The” Grand Idea” of the VC’s intention to provide scholarships to enable gifted Kenyan children from very low-income families to receive secondary education and break out of the poverty trap was developing. This idea appealed to me as my parents escaped from the 1930’s Depression via technical school evening classes!

From the beginning, it was made very clear to existing and future scholars that the award and retention of a scholarship were strongly linked to hard work and the progressive development of natural talent. The scholars were expected to succeed, thus bringing hope to their schools, families, and communities. This “tough love” approach worked -and, given their poor start in life, there have been few failures and many, many amazing successes.

As more and more scholars made their way through secondary school, it soon became evident that these young people could out-perform their more privileged contemporaries!

So the adventure took on a new dimension – could these young people make a significant contribution to Kenya’s professional/vocational life? Not just as individuals – but as a close-knit group? Could we dream of a generation of Kenyans who can kick-start the fight-back against corruption?

The annual Founder’s Day meeting was proving a great success in binding scholars together. The Langalanga Scholars’ Association (LLSA)    was initially a self-help organization.  Under the guidance of three successive teams of elected officers, the LLSA developed into a real force for good. Very, very encouraging! This lead to the formation of the Langalanga Scholarship Professional Association (LLSPA).

As a sponsor and a member of” Team VC,” I feel that these young people have exceeded all our and their sponsors’ dreams. Hugh Dayton was one of the charity’s earliest sponsors, is scholar remains one of the most successful on record.   Hugh was from the start, and remains, the Patron and inspiration of LLSA & LLSPA.  

Fare Thee Well Our Patron and main Donor.