Meet Colonel VC


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Who is Colonel VC?

Col. VC is the founder of two charitable organizations; LangaLanga Scholarship Fund and Kariandusi School Trust. 

Upon his retirement from the Royal British Army, Col Vialou Clark came to Kenya, where he was born and got a job as a bursar at Pembroke Preparatory School located in Gilgil, Nakuru Kenya. The retired Army man, who also trained as a civil engineer, remembers events, which led him to the country he left back in the year 1953. He says that his heart was in Kenya, where he was born, and looking at the school’s hedge, he could see beauty, but over its boundaries, there was a lot of poverty. He would, later on, ask himself, ‘Will I continue living in my paradise?’ This was in the year 1992, and Mr. Clark, who is fondly referred to as Mr. VC decided to start a charity to help needy children access education quickly.

In the same year (1992), many people migrated to Gilgil because of the clashes witnessed in the Rift Valley during that time. He saw misery as parents struggled to raise school for their children after running away from the politically instigated violence. He was in a dilemma on the best way to be able to help them. He decided that education was the best way to be ready to fight poverty. However, it was not a comfortable journey. It took many years of fundraising from his friends in the UK for Mr. Clark to establish two charitable organizations; LangaLanga Scholarship Fund and Kariandusi School Trust, which have transformed the lives of the low-income families in Gilgil.  The Fund, which has been in existence for over 11 years, offers scholarships to bright students from low-income families, and so far, at least 220 children have been able to benefit from this fund.

Kariandusi School Trust has helped in constructing classrooms, water tanks, and staff houses in 9 public primary schools in Gilgil. The most recent project is the Woodard LangaLanga Secondary School. After completing building enough primary schools, he decided to build a secondary school. Mr. VC has foregone some luxury to offer needy children education. Mr. Clark says he had received a recommendation for the position of brigadier, but he opted to resign from the military and relocate to Kenya.


Numbers Speak for Themselves

9 +
Primary Schools built
220 +
Scholarships offered
Secondary schools built

Our experts

Happy moments after a meeting held in Boulevard hotel

Eye-check for the new scholars

Colonel VC visits students at Jomo Kenyatta High School, Nakuru. 

Col. VC teaches new scholars how to tie their new ties