Our Programs

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+254 726 408 725

Scholarship and bursaries

Our organization offers a few full scholarship to the needy who perform exemplary well but fail to secure scholarships from government and the other big corporates which focus on best performance. In addition to these, we also assist a few more with renewable bursaries to attend selected good day secondary schools including Woodard LangaLanga Secondary School. LLSPA also partners in partial scholarships with other like minded individuals and organizations. As of 2018, we have five students under our wings but we endeavor to grow the number with the growth of resources. 

Prize Giving / Motivational Talks

At LLSPA we have partnered with about twenty of our former primary school around Gilgil in a motivational program. We give tokens of appreciation to both teachers and students who excel in different aspects. These includes leading a few per class, most improved per class, most disciplined, cleanest etc. As a result, a good number of these children perform well and take advantage of the various scholarships and bursaries hence taking the burden off the local community. This number of schools can be increased in the future with increase in resources. 


Mentorship Program

With the same 20 primary schools, LLSPA  has rolled out a mentorship program targeting all class seven pupils every year. This program covers various topics ranging from Self-Esteem,  teenage pregancy and career counselling all aimed to demystify pre-existing myths thus empowering the pupils to make informed decisions that suit their lives. The scheme will be widened to cover more schools and a number of secondary schools subject to the availability of resources. 

Supporting Children's Homes and Orphanages

For the children who are taken up by the local up by the local institutions to help them with access to education and other basic needs, LLSPA has undertaken to pool resources from members and other well-wishers with reading materials, clothing, and foodstuffs.

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