Rest IN PEACE Col. Harry Vialou Clark

On 18 March 2023, both LLSPA and LLSA Scholars, the Woodard Langalanga Secondary School community, Gilgil Political class as well as Gilgil community congregated at Woodard Hall (Woodard Langalanga Secondary School) to pay tribute to Col. Harry Vialou Clark, who died on 2 March 2023.

(Read full profile of Col. Harry Vialou Clark HERE.)

Col. Harry Vialou Clark impacted Gilgil community and Kenya in general in various ways including offering over 200 full scholarships for both high school and tertiary (Colleges and universities), the building of the Woodard Langalanga Secondary School, and over 9 primary schools.

You can also read the full profile of Col. Harry Vialou Clark’s work HERE.

Nation Media Group

Couple gives poor students a lifeline

Daily Echo UK

Colonel’s mission to find scholars

Here is an interview Col. Harry Vialou Clark conducted with Ebru TV Kenya.